28 october 2004 new day
Hooray for Red Sox Nation, of which I suppose I am not quite a citizen, but perhaps at least a holder of a green card (red card?). Of course, everyone is so excited because of the story. Everyone loves a good story. That's one of the most interesting parts of this whole thing to me, the life that the story took on, just because it spoke to people. Because, you know, aside from the bare facts of the Sox not having won the Series since trading Babe Ruth, that's really all the "curse" was: a story, embroidery woven remarkably recently upon a surprising (to me) foundation. To read all about it, a quite interesting article by Glenn Stout is here, which notes this quote:
"An attractive lie sounds infinitely better than a mere statement of truth." But I don't mind. It was a good story, in these days, reduced to the underdog simplicity with (as far as I can tell) hardly anyone knowing of the underpinnings. And now we have reached its end, through the indubitably amazing twist of a record-setting comeback against the historic rival, and all the story's ghosts, they now can rest. Last night, the moon turned red to commemorate the end of the story, and now... everyone continues on a little lighter, in the knowledge that -- whether there was one or we all created it -- now, today: there is no spoon!
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