thought machine

( 2001 ) ( january ) ( march ) ( april ) ( may-june-july ) ( august ) ( september ) ( october ) ( november ) ( december ) ( 2003 )

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28 February 2002: walk like a pigeon

Today I saw three pigeons sitting in a row on a streetlamp. On the far left was a puffed-up male pigeon. He started scootching over to the female next to him, nodding vigorously. "you're invading my personal space," said the female, and flew away. male pigeon sat disappointed for a moment. a short moment. "uh oh," thought the remaining female as he started scootching and nodding over to her, and she flew away too. male pigeon sat disappointed and lonely upon the streetlamp for another few short moments, and then flew away in the general direction they had gone. Points for effort.

A little farther on, there was a crowd of pigeons on a lawn under some trees; I noticed them when someone walking by startled them all up into the air, whereupon they soared and flapped en masse round the plaza before settling back where they came from. But what startled ME was that two or three of the pigeons settled onto the trunk of one of the pine trees. Seemed quite comfortable. I've never seen pigeons do that before. If it looks like a pigeon, talks like a pigeon, but sits like a woodpecker... what is it?

27 February 2002 part second: full circle

Saw the moon again this evening. It hung under a long horizontal cloud as if under the curving breaking edge of a smooth white wave.

That's not a story. But the sight was beautiful enough that I felt it ought to be in one, sometime.

27 February 2002: up periscope.

I haven't played Starcraft for, um, four days; I'm trying to attack my massive to-do list; one of the more urgent components of that list is to catch up with my original page-a-day target for the screenplay contest, though I haven't really focused on that yet; brother and girlfriend have flown off to New Zealand (and boy are their arms tired); I need to do my taxes so I can get my refund before I run out of money; I just saw a beautiful moonset over the hills to the west this morning about 6:30. lovvvely.

just in case anyone cares. :)

peter's pondering of weblogs has reminded me of my original resolution from fray day, to tell interesting stories here instead of simply nattering on about minutiae, enjoyable as that may be for me. results of this pondering may appear in a little while.


[ chime ]

14 February 2002: double argh.

[Obligatory V-day sigh about singularity. Now on to more important things:]

Need any more cause for depression today? Try these articles. Eight screens out of Westwood? And if the Crest closes, that'll be nine, which is HALF the SCREENS in WESTWOOD?! That's part of the reason I wanted to LIVE HERE DAMMIT.

and, a Sav-On??!! Not that I have anything against Sav-On personally (until now), but really, WTF? There's already a Rite-Aid just the other side of Wilshire, and there's a Longs going in soon on the top level of the old department store complex, upstairs from the Ralphs which itself has a pharmacy. How many drugstores do you NEED in a three-block radius?!

13 February 2002: modern innovations

Apolo Ohno. that's a cool name. I approve.

Hey, have you seen that "overlay" effect they use on the skiing replays? comparing two skiers' runs by showing them both at the same time? pretty neat.

ps. oops oops! belated happy new year!

12 February 2002: "six! six! six!"

That Canadian figure-skating pair was robbed, robbed I tell you. At least I thought so. And they thought so, and the audience thought so, and four (USA, Canada, Germany, Japan) of the nine judges (- Russia, China, France, Poland, Ukraine) thought so, and from their expressions I believe even the gold medal Russian pair thought so, and the commentators thought so - and if you can't trust Scott Hamilton, who can you trust?

8/9 February 2002: climbing back up the slippery slope

Starcraft addiction is one of the very last things that I need right now, as dear brother quite rightly said. This did not stop me from trying it out. It seems to be throwing me back into the weird late-night sleep-deprivation schedule that I'd managed to get out of for a while there. damn.

I have too many things to do that are much more necessary to happy life. test of will: I won't even turn on my computer for all of tomorrow/today (Saturday). It's supposed to be beautiful weather this weekend; the early-February few days of eighty-degree weather seem to be arriving more or less on schedule. whee! see you on sunday.

4 February 2002: here and there

The presence in town (and sometimes in my apartment) of visiting relatives/friends sure plays havoc with already disorganized writing plans. I was supposed to have 35 pages of screenplay by now, according to my one-a-day new year's goal. Ha. Ha. Ha. Looks like I may have to pull a few all-nighters on this towards the end, if I don't shape up, since there is a real deadline for what I am trying to do.

yes, this is another attempt to build a bit of (real or perceived) peer pressure. thank you for participating. someday perhaps i will do things all by myself.

( 2001 ) ( january ) ( march ) ( april ) ( may-june-july ) ( august ) ( september ) ( october ) ( november ) ( december ) ( 2003 )

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carrie at purpletricycle dot com.