9 january 2004 friday
New Year's seems an appropriate time to revisit the questions that I answered last April, and see whether and how any of my answers have changed. This time I'll only do one question a day, though, and if I think of something else to say I'll probably do that instead. An intermittent series. I'll try not to read my first answers until I've written the new ones. IF YOU COULD BUILD A HOUSE ANYWHERE, WHERE WOULD IT BE? On a piece of good farmland with a very reliable water supply, somewhere along the central coast of California, inland far enough so that my descendants don't have to worry about falling off into the ocean for at least several hundred years (including allowance for global-warmed rising sea levels), but still within sea-breeze distance from the ocean. I would like to use home-grown food and solar-powered energy as far as possible. The house itself might be designed to be partly underground for energy conservation purposes; I'd have to know more about the options and drawbacks. Earthquakes would have to be planned for also. I'm not as picky about the design as I am about the location. You don't realize how good we have it with the variety and quality of fresh fruits and vegetables in this state until you visit a "produce section" in an Eastern city. Can you tell I'm writing this just before eating lunch?
contents of the purple tricycle are copyright 2004 carrie
lynn king unless otherwise noted.