link to the story of the purple tricycle.
carrie [at] purpletricycle [dot] com

19 january 2004 monday

I propose that more time be allotted to each day. The Martian day is something like 24 1/2 hours long; that's something, but more would be nice. Then perhaps I'd have a better chance of

writing my video proposal
catching up with my backlog of correspondence (both snail and e)
spending quality time with people
reorganizing/redecorating my room
ebaying stuff I don't want
organizing recently-acquired game cards
writing [a screenplay]
writing [a different screenplay]
writing [an adapted screenplay]
ordering 2004 pages for my organizer
sending pictures to those who are owed them
washing my car (and cleaning inside)
getting my file drawers into workable shape
adding swimming to the exercise regimen
updating my earthquake/emergency kit
figuring out why my halogen lamp stopped working
excavating the surface of my desk
hanging the other set of new curtains
keeping up with my middle-earth online "kinship" (guild)
figuring out whether the old atari can be made to work
helping my dad organize/copy his family pictures
creating the trip journals at regulus
doing other things that i've forgotten about momentarily

within a reasonable amount of time.

contents of the purple tricycle are copyright 2004 carrie lynn king unless otherwise noted. alternative 