link to the story of the purple tricycle.
carrie [at] purpletricycle [dot] com

20 january 2004 tuesday

Can't-think-of-anything-to-write-about fall-back series, continued.

WHAT TIME DO YOU WAKE UP IN THE MORNING? The attempt to use the fall-back Daylight Savings change, back at the end of October, to begin getting up at 5 and accomplishing things for an hour each morning... failed. 6 or 6:30, depending on whether it's an aerobics day or not.

Maybe if I start now/soon to work my way back to 5 am, I'll at least not be discombobulated by the spring-forward Daylight Savings change, and I'll get a few things done before it happens.

... Work my way back, pah. How about just straightaway starting to wake up at 5?


contents of the purple tricycle are copyright 2004 carrie lynn king unless otherwise noted. alternative 