29 january 2004 thursday
I don't like being sick. I am sick this week. At least I'm trying to accomplish a few things that have long needed accomplishing, in between naps and coughing and zoning out. Most all my laundry is clean now. I may get my file system functioning today. And I just might get this proposal thing done (or at least drafted) that I should have done months ago, but which I have procrastinated on for no good reason, just FEAR. Not that there is ever a good reason for procrastination. Come to think of it, fear is half the time the basis for any procrastination, at least for me. I deal too much in fear, historically, without usually even realizing that is what I'm doing. What is safe? What is expected? What if something doesn't work the way I hope? What will people think of me? What if I turn out to be bad at [item]? Fuck that. Ditching those questions. New questions: Who am I? What do I want? Where am I going? New philosophy: do not live life in fear. Heh. Sounds like everything I needed to know about life I learned from Babylon 5 and Strictly Ballroom. (psst. really, it's people. it's all about the people. thanks, people.)
contents of the purple tricycle are copyright 2004 carrie
lynn king unless otherwise noted.